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Permission granted to Saudi women wearing ‘Hijabaya’ to ride cycles.
The law that was enforced on Saudi women refraining from riding bush bicycles and motor cycles has been withdrawn. Hence the religious Police have given them to ride bicycles in parks and other areas.
It is also a condition that a male relative should be beside the Saudi women who perform this act and had made it compulsory to wear the ‘hijabaya’ dress where the whole body from head to legs have to remain covered.

An official of the Saudi religious Police had added that Saudi women could engage in servicing and repairing motor cycles only as a hobby and not as a profession. The women should not repair motor cycles used for transport purposes.
They have been warned not to remain close to where men have gathered to avoid in the happening of any abuses of any nature. In Saudi Arabia which is a large country, women are prohibited from driving. The country is regarded as the place where the birth of the Islamic religion had taken place.



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