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North Korea has lodged strong protests about American planes flying over their territories. If that happens America and their friendly countries would be dealt with severely by North Korea who had made serious threats. The America and South Korea engaged in this exercise is a not an acceptable action the Korean news agency had disclosed.
The foreign Ministry sources of North Korea had added that at a time when a war is announced they will be known about their nuclear power and tactics planned.  North Korean officials had warned America severely not to continue this exercise but to stop it If America does it North Korea had sworn that they will take their course of action as planned.

The pentagon sources .reveal that a single bombing war plane B 52 did not fly over the North Korea.
On March 18the the American deputy defence secretary Anton Carter had confessed that all nuclear power and planes had been supplies to South Korea.
It was stated that notwithstanding the fear of North Korea 10000 South Korean soldiers and 3000 American troupes had stated in engaged in relation to war exercises for a week from the 11th March.
It is also learnt that all communication systems between South and North Korea had been stopped. America has commenced to stop North Korea in engaging in the war exercises for the third time which they have planned.


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